Corporate Health Checks

We focus on supporting your organisation’s health and wellbeing.

DR ALAIN FRABOTTA provides a person-centred approach to help employees manage stress, improve performance and reduce the risks associated with absenteeism, burnout, and chronic disease.

Health and Wellbeing Checks

Corporate Health Checks are specifically designed for executives, managers, and key staff at risk of experiencing the negative health effects of high-stress working environments.

We assess your physical and mental health and wellbeing while providing the necessary strategic guidance to help you achieve your goals.

The key components of corporate health checks include:

  • A comprehensive medical history, review and examination

  • Mental health review and discussion

  • Blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose levels

  • Lung function, vision and hearing testing

  • Flexibility, core strength and posture analysis

  • Fitness assessment and exercise program advice

  • Nutritional review and advice.

Health and Wellbeing Coaching

We also partner with you and your team to guide, empower and motivate them to change their behaviour for better health.

To support employees through one-on-one Wellbeing and Health Coaching, using the principles and practices of health behaviour change to encourage goal setting, active learning and self-management. 

We are about tailoring coaching to suit the needs of your employee.

According to the research, long-term stress is psychologically damaging and is also associated with an increased risk of developing illness and disease.

Stress manifests itself in a variety of ways, and while you may have your unique way of coping, you are likely experiencing one or more of the following:

Behavioural Symptoms: an increase or decrease in appetite, as well as an increase in the consumption of alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine

Emotional Symptoms: tension, anxiety, depression, lack of motivation, irritability, and moodiness

Physical Symptoms: fatigue, headaches, muscle aches and pains, sleeping, immune, hormonal, digestive, and skin problems.

Cognitive Symptoms: inability to concentrate, impaired memory and judgement, negative thoughts, difficulty making decisions, and forgetfulness.

DR ALAIN FRABOTTA offers a holistic, person-centred, multidisciplinary, results-driven, solution-focused approach that draws on the principles and practices of evidence-based, proven techniques. This includes:

  • Motivational Interviewing (MI)

  • Positive and Strength-Based Coaching Psychology

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Mindfulness

  • Kinesiology-Based Techniques.

Creating Sustainable Change

Creating sustainable change can be challenging at the best of times.

We specialise in facilitating and supporting your employees in the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, heart attack, and stroke, and reducing the risks through the development and reinforcement of new positive behaviours.

Helping employees create sustainable change is both an art and a complex skill that requires purposeful questioning and listening and understanding human health and behaviour.